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Key Stage 1 and 2

The predominant mode of working in mathematics is whole group teaching followed by co-operative group work and individual work. Each week mathematics lessons include opportunities for:

  • directing: sharing the teaching and learning objectives, drawing attention to particular points
  • instructing: giving information on how to do a particular process/activity
  • demonstrating: showing, describing and modelling mathematics
  • explaining and illustrating: accurate, well-paced explanations referring to previous work or methods
  • evaluating pupils’ responses: identifying mistakes and using them as positive teaching points
  • summarising: reviewing during the lesson what is being taught/learned
  • whole class and group discussions
  • interactive involvement of pupils through carefully planned questioning
  • consolidation and practice of fundamental skills, vocabulary and routines
  • practical activities to provide meaningful context
  • practice activities to consolidate skills which have been learned
  • the use of mental mathematics involving quick recall of simple mathematical facts
  • problem solving and investigational activities
  • controlled differentiation, with all pupils engaged in mathematics relating to a common objective.

In Both Key Stages, mathematics lessons typically follow a four-part structure consisting of a short five to 10 minute mental and oral starter to rehearse, sharpen and develop pupils’ mathematical skills; a main teaching activity, in which teachers introduce the new learning; an individual, paired or group activity in which pupils can rehearse, practice and apply the skills and knowledge relating to the objective; a whole class plenary of approximately 10 to 15 minutes, which to address misconceptions, identify progress, to summarise key facts and ideas, to make links to other work and to discuss next steps.

Formative assessment is used continually in lessons to promote pupil progress throughout the lesson, and to inform the next lessons’ teaching.

Our Curriculum

The commercial scheme that forms the basis of our mathematics curriculum is White Rose Maths. Plans are adapted and supplemented to ensure that teaching closely matches the learning needs of the class groups.

Click here to see the curriculum we are teaching in Year 1 to Year 6 using White Rose.


  • In Years 1-4, mathematics is taught in a daily lesson of an hour. It is taught in class groups, and children are grouped by ability within the class. Both classes are taught the same lessons simultaneously to ensure consistency across the year group.
  • In Years 5 and 6, mathematics is taught in ability sets across the year group. 


  • Pupils in Years 2-6 complete a weekly activity from Mathletics linking to work done in the classroom.
  • Pupils in Year 1 are provided with regular mathematical tasks for homework across the year.