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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6: Spring Term 2023

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils

Welcome back.  We hope you had a brilliant Christmas break and feel rested and refreshed for the new year and the spring term. 

This term, our main topic is What was life like in Tudor England? Which will culminate with our brilliant History off the Page Tudor Day on the 7th February.

In English, we will be writing newspaper articles about the infamous Henry VIII and then write a narrative set in Tudor London, inspired by our class text, Treason (by Berlie Doherty). 

Treason by Berlie Doherty | Goodreads

In maths, we begin learning about ratio and proportion, then algebra, followed by decimals and percentages. 

In science, our topic is Electricity.   

You can find details of homework on the relevant page under 'In this section'.  

PE days continue to be Tuesdays and Fridays - please ensure that your child has the correct, named school PE kit on these days.  

The Year 6 Team this year:

Mrs Milne - Prunus class teacher (Monday - Friday)
Mrs Brand - Pear class teacher (Monday, Tuesday am and Wednesday am)
Mrs Capes - Pear Class teacher (Wednesday pm, Thursday and Friday)
Mrs Foster - HLTA and First Aider (Monday to Friday)
Mr Ratcliffe - LSA (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) 

We hope you find the information on this webpage helpful.  Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us via the school office if you have any questions.