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  • Art in the Care Home

    Published 18/07/24

    Chiltern Grange Care Home Visit

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  • Y2 at Woolley Firs

    Published 17/07/24

    Year 2's School Trip

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  • Isle of Wight

    Published 21/06/24

    Y6 are having a brilliant time on their residential

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  • Choir at the Royal Albert Hall

    Published 07/05/24

    'Echoes 10' concert at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday 29th April

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  • Year 6 Osmosis

    Published 22/04/24

    In science, Y6 have been trying to learn and understand the tricky concept of Osmosis.

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  • Bikeability

    Published 26/03/24

    Year 5 are 'wheely' great!

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  • Reading Awards

    Published 15/03/24

    Congratulations to all our Reading Award winners… a fabulous celebration of progress, role models, celebrations, glittery curtains and a red carpet!

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  • Sculpture Club

    Published 14/03/24

    Sculpture club’s fossils finally unearthed…

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  • STEM Engineering

    Published 13/03/24

    Engineer comes to visit!

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  • World Book Day

    Published 12/03/24

    Stokenchurch Primary School dressed to impress for World Book Day on Thursday!

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  • BBC 500 Words finalist

    Published 06/03/24

    BBC 500 Words finalist from Stokenchurch Primary School!

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  • Safer Internet Day

    Published 07/02/24

    On Tuesday, we celebrated Safer Internet Day with our Computing Curriculum Day. Children across the school completed various online safety activities from understanding how companies use persuasive tools to attract consumers, to comparing the internet to a magic window and imagining what we would like to see. Across the school, children have been learning key messages like 'telling a grown-up if something bad happens online' and to 'decline friend requests to strangers'. In addition, pupils developed their Computational thinking skills, taking part in 'barefoot' (device-free) activities such as using binary to draw pixels to create images or giving instructions to build Lego without being able to see the steps visually. For parents/carers, there are lots of helpful tips and advice for keeping your children safe online at UK Safer Internet Centre.

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