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This term, the children will be asked to complete the following homework:

  • Daily reading
  • Weekly spellings
  • Mathletics 
  • Times Tables on TTRockstars

In the run up to our SATs assessments in May, we have provided all the children with a revision book for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling we are asking the children to complete. We will set a mini-test each week for the children to complete. This will typically be set on a Monday and will then be marked together in class the following Monday.

The following mini-tests have been set already:

  • w/c 13th January - Test 1 in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Along with this being a revision activity for the children, it also gives us a chance to fill gaps in children's learning that can come up as a result of this style of mixed activity. If your child finds a question in the revision books they cannot complete, you can either:

  • ask your child to approach the Year 6 staff during the week to ask them for support. We will give them some guidance and send them back to see if they are now able to complete it. 
  • research the grammar content independently to refresh their memory, then go back to the question having completed some independent research. 
  • leave it and ask the Year 6 staff on the Monday. 
Mathletics link 


For spelling lists this term, please refer to the 'Spellings' page.  Spellings are tested every Friday

Useful websites for additional homework support 


For some reflection practice, CLICK HERE

Follow the link to this padlet for great and fun fractions games: CLICK HERE

For times tables practice, square numbers and mental maths facts: Hit the Button Maths Facts

For mental subtraction skills: Subtraction grids

For rounding practice: Rocket Rounding (

For multiples and factor knowledge: Multiples and Factors (

For real-life money problems: Toy Shop Money Game (GBP) - Topmarks

For ordering and sequencing: Coconut Ordering

For ordering decimals: Higher or lower

Times Tables: Meteor Multiplication - Arcademics

Telling the time: Match the times

Roman Numerals:

More Roman Numerals:


How does the eye detect light?

Light Lab 

A quiz about light

Light and Shadows investigation 

For science knowledge and understanding: KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize

Look inside the human body: The Human Body

Useful for classification of animals: The Learning Zone: Homepage (


DK Find Out! | Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History and more!