This term, the children will be asked to complete the following homework:
- Daily reading
- Weekly spellings
- Mathletics
- One piece of homework selected from the homework matrix
Each week homework will be both set and marked in class on Monday. Please encourage your child to get organised and pack their bag on Sunday evening, making sure they have their work completed and ready to mark.
Mathletics link
For spelling lists this term, please refer to the 'Spellings' page. Spellings are tested every Friday.
Useful websites for additional homework support
For some reflection practice, CLICK HERE
Follow the link to this padlet for great and fun fractions games: CLICK HERE
For times tables practice, square numbers and mental maths facts: Hit the Button Maths Facts
For mental subtraction skills: Subtraction grids
For rounding practice: Rocket Rounding (topmarks.co.uk)
For multiples and factor knowledge: Multiples and Factors (topmarks.co.uk)
For real-life money problems: Toy Shop Money Game (GBP) - Topmarks
For ordering and sequencing: Coconut Ordering
For ordering decimals: Higher or lower
Times Tables: Meteor Multiplication - Arcademics
Telling the time: Match the times
Roman Numerals: https://www.turtlediary.com/game/learning-roman-numerals.html
More Roman Numerals: https://www.studyzone.tv/game172-codee706e3efb76a7d4eac85c87baa071f73
How does the eye detect light? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z3nnb9q/articles/zrs62v4
Light Lab https://www.primaryschoolscience.co.uk/Light-Lab/light-interactive-1.html
A quiz about light https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks2/science/light/
Light and Shadows investigation https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/terrific-scientific/KS2/zv9qf4j
For science knowledge and understanding: KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize
Look inside the human body: The Human Body
Useful for classification of animals: The Learning Zone: Homepage (ox.ac.uk)
DK Find Out! | Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History and more!