Jargon Buster
Welcome to our Jargon Buster page, designed to demystify the world of education for parents and guardians. We understand that the education sector can be riddled with unfamiliar terms and acronyms, making it challenging to navigate. Here, we aim to simplify the jargon frequently used within Stokenchurch Primary School to ensure clear communication and understanding for all.
Abbreviations and Unfamiliar Terms:
CPD: Continuing Professional Development
- CPD refers to the training and development opportunities provided to staff members to enhance their professional skills and knowledge.
DSL: Designated Safeguarding Lead
- This is the staff member responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all students.
EAL: English as an Additional Language
- EAL students are those whose first language is not English and require additional support to improve their language skills.
- EHCP: Educational Health Care Plan
- A document which sets out the education, healthcare and social care needs of a child or young person who need more support than is available through special educational needs support.
EYFS: Early Years Foundation Stage
- The EYFS is the framework that sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of children up to five years old.
- GLD: Good Level of Development
- A ‘good level of development’ can be defined as a child reaching the ‘expected’ level of development at the end of their reception year, at the end of EYFS.
- HLTA: Higher Level Teaching Assistant
- A teaching assistant who has undertaken additional training and is able to take on extra responsibility.
KS1/KS2: Key Stage 1/Key Stage 2
- KS1 includes Years 1 and 2, while KS2 includes Years 3 to 6. These stages mark key milestones in a child's primary education.
PP: Pupil Premium
Additional funding provided to schools to support the education of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.
PPA: Planning, Preparation, and Assessment time
- PPA time is allocated for teachers to plan lessons, prepare resources, and assess students' progress.
PSHE: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
- Taught from Nursery to Year 6 in an age-appropriate way covering a variety of topics.
PTA: Parent-Teacher Association
- The PTA is a group of parents and teachers who work together to organise events and raise funds for the school.
RSE: Relationships, Health and Sex Education
- Part of PSHE: relationships education is compulsory but sex education is optional so parents may opt out.
SATs: Standard Assessment Tests
- These are national tests taken by primary school students in Year 2 (KS1) and Year 6 (KS2) to assess their educational progress.
- SDP: School Development Plan
- A document used by the Senior Leadership Team to map out the strategic plans for the development of the school.
SEN: Special Educational Needs
- This term refers to the educational requirements of children with learning difficulties or disabilities that require additional support.
STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- STEM education focuses on these disciplines to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation.
We hope our Jargon Buster page helps you understand the terminology frequently used within our primary school. If you come across any other terms you'd like us to explain, please don't hesitate to get in touch.