At Stokenchurch Primary School, we aim to deliver an ambitious, exciting science curriculum for all children which promotes a true love of the subject. A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world. Children develop a curiosity for scientific exploration, so that by the time they leave in Year 6, children can work independently and collaboratively.
We plan lessons using Developing Experts, Explorify and the PLAN resources. You can explore some of the Developing Experts and Explorify materials by following the links below:
At Stokenchurch Primary School, it is our intention to provide a high-quality science education that equips children with the foundations they need to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life and in future life experiences. We give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires.
Teachers will ensure that all children are exposed to high quality teaching and learning experiences from the moment they enter our school. These will hook the children’s interest, enabling them to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity. They will be encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and work scientifically to further their scientific knowledge and understanding. Our curriculum will encourage respect for living organisms and for the physical environment.
To make science learning memorable, real and relevant, we will offer a wide range of scientific experiences e.g. practical investigations, learning outside, visitors, trips, science clubs, whole school curriculum days and cross-curricular links/projects.
Children will be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and explain causes. Children will have the opportunity to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data. Children will be immersed in key scientific vocabulary, which supports the acquisition of scientific knowledge and understanding.
All children will be provided with a broad and balanced science curriculum which reflects the equality and diversity policies and practice in school.
- We plan lessons that build on previous knowledge and experiences through the use of questioning, observations and informal assessments
- We carefully teach and encourage the use of correct scientific vocabulary (including spelling)
- We promote children’s curiosity: we expect them to ask questions about their learning and about the unknown and unexpected
- To make learning real, memorable and relevant, we offer a wide range of scientific experiences e.g. practical investigations, visitors, trips, curriculum days
- We plan and teach lessons which are hands-on, practical and investigative so children develop the full range of enquiry skills
- Children know why science is important in everyday life
Children are curious scientists: they ask lots of questions
Children plan and carry out our own investigations to find answers
Children use scientific words correctly and confidently
Children enjoy learning outside