We are following a rule-based approach for our Year 6 spellings. This means we are focussed on learning a rule that we can follow for any word in the English language that follows it and focus on spelling the phonetic part of the words correctly followed by the application of that rule.
For the /shul/ rule for example, where we apply the -cial or -tial ending, there are 323 words that end in either option, and we can learn a rule that can apply to all but a handful of them (there are always exceptions).
We teach a spelling rule each week and will discuss that rule throughout the week. When we check the children's understanding of the rule, we will ask them to spell any word that follows the rule or is a common exception. Even if they have never heard the word before, with thought into the phonetic part of the word and correct application of the rule, the children will be able to spell those words.
This term's spellings can be seen in the attachments below. The children will bring home a sheet outlining the weekly rule along with example words that follow it, including any common exceptions that the children need to learn individually.
Spellings lessons are typically every Friday and then will be reviewed on the following Friday to support and consolidate their learning.
Resources to access at home
Oak National Academy has some excellent resources on each spelling rule. Below is the link to the launch pages for Year 5 and 6 spellings where our rules are covered in their resources.
Oak National Academy Year 5 Spelling Resources
Oak National Academy Year 6 Spelling Resources
Spooky Spelling game is good for practising the Year 5&6 statutory spelling lists
Spelling Frame has some fun activities and games to help you learn some more spelling rules (scroll down to Year 5 and 6 to find some free modules):
This game uses the Look-cover-write-check approach in a fun and interactive way - you can choose to learn a specific rule or concentrate on the statutory spelling words: