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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 2023/24!

We are in our final term of Year 1 and what an exciting term it is going to be!

Log in to Letter Join to keep on trying our new handwriting scheme at home. We are really concentrating on our handwriting for the final few weeks of term. Hopefully, you will start to see a fantastic improvement.

Our Team

Miss Browne - Beech Class Teacher (Mon, Tues, Wed)

Mrs Peake - Beech Class Teacher (Thurs, Fri)

Miss Colliass - Birch Class Teacher

Miss Morris- HLTA- Birch Class

Mrs Oak - TA- Beech Class

Miss Riaz - TA Birch Class

Useful Information

  • Birch class assembly-Thursday 27th June. Drop off your child at the usual time and head to the side entrance to the hall, at the Nathan Court gate, for a 9am start.
  • PE Day - Wednesday - Please have a fully named kit in school on a Wednesday. Days may get changed around, so it would be great if PE kit came in on a Monday. Children will come home in their kit.
  • Swimming-Year 1 swim on a Friday morning. It may sometimes be necessary to change our swimming day, but we will always send a letter in advance.
  • Spelling test - Monday starting in week 4 with tricky words. (
  • Homework handed in- Friday if you have completed something which you would like us to see. Alternatively, write a note in the reading record about any at home activities.
  • School Trip-Thursday 4th July - We will be having a fun-filled day at Science Oxford. See separate ParentMail.