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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 2024/25!

Happy New Year and welcome to the Spring term of Year 1. 

During the spring term, we will be increasing the amount of structured learning the children will be completing on a daily basis. If you would like to see what an average week in year 1 looks like, an example of our weekly timetable is attached at the bottom of this page.

This term's main focus will be phonics. We will be continuing learning our level 5 sounds along with recapping level 3 sounds from last year. Please have a look at our phonics page for comprehensive parents guides detailing how you can support your child's phonics journey. 

In maths this half term, we will be focusing on numbers up to 20, including recognising, comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting.

In English, we will continue to develop children's ability to write sentences, including understanding what a sentence is, sentence types and the necessary punctuation. Daily handwriting practice will continue as well as daily reading practice.

We will be introducing the children to exciting new topics such as 'Animals including humans' in science and the history of toys - we have a very exciting and immersive history day to look forward to later on in the term.

As always, if you need to get in touch, either catch one of the year 1 team at pickup or email us via the main school office email address. 

Our Team

Mrs Smye - Beech Class Teacher (Mon, Tues, Wed)

Mrs Smye - Intervention teacher (Thurs)

Mrs Peake - Beech Class Teacher (Thurs, Fri)

Miss Colliass - Birch Class Teacher

Mrs Venning- HLTA (Wed - Fri)

Mrs Oak - TA 

Mrs McNeill - TA

Ms Awde - TA

Useful Information

  • PE Days - Monday and Tuesday - Please ensure that a fully named kit is brought into school on a Monday. Children will come home in their PE kit on a Tuesday.
  • Reading books - These will be changed every Thursday, but please make sure reading books and records are in school every day.
  • Equipment - Children will need a named water bottle in school every day. 
  • Homework - spelling practice and daily reading.