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Year 3

Happy New Year! A huge thank you from all the Year 3 Team for your lovely, thoughtful gifts over the Christmas period :) We hope you have recharged the batteries, and are looking forward to the Spring term. Please check out our new topics below. Bring on the Egyptians!

Here you will find all the information relating to Year 3, and we will continue to add things as we move through the year. Please check the class page on a Monday for any messages/information for that week. You will also find key dates and pictures of our learning. 

Please feel free to come and find us on the playground if you have any questions, or email/call the office.

Meet the Teacher presentation- here


PE days - Tuesday (Indoor PE - gymnastics) Thursday (Outdoor PE)

Homework - Handed in on Wednesdays- please see information on the Homework page.

Spellings - Fridays (new spellings written into school dictionary)

Homework diaries - Please have in school everyday and sign every week updating what your child has read. Teachers will sign them on a Friday.

Spring 1

Topic - The Egyptians


Science - Forces and Magnets


English - King of the Sky 

An adventure story and a newspaper report


Maths - Multiplication and division (2)


Autumn 2


Topic - The UK and our 4 countries


Science - Animals and Humans 

English - Leon and the Place Between 

A setting description and a persuasive advert 

Maths - Multiplication and division (1)


Autumn 1 


Topic - Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age or Bronze Age?!


Science - Rocks and Soils

English - The First Drawing 

Diary entry and Mary Anning Non-Chronological Report

Maths - Place Value and addition/subtraction

Year 3 Team

  • Mr Pounder - Elder Class Teacher, Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader
  • Mr Ratcliffe - Elder Class Trainee Teacher
  • Mrs Barker - Elm Class Teacher
  • Ms Hinsley - Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Springett - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Quainton- Teaching Assistant 

Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 17th September - Year 3 Welcome Presentation 6pm